
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Innovators Around the Globe Contribute to Coronavirus Intervention
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Work from Anywhere. Connect with Anyone.
Colin Keogh PhD, CEO & Founder at The Rapid Foundation, has been on the front lines of the effort to combat ventilator shortages ever since a Facebook group called Open Source COVID-19 Medical Supplies (OSCMS) first presented the problem.
As cofounder of Open Source Ventilator (OSV) Ireland and a member of its core team, Colin offers his uniquely qualified perspective on open source innovation: its obstacles, its advantages, and its impact on world governments and regulatory bodies both now and in the future.
Show Highlights:
- Racing a pandemic: How Open Source Ventilator (OSV) Ireland turned a single Facebook post into an enterprise-scale organization composed of hundreds of engineers around the world.
- Silver linings in the time of COVID-19: evaluating the role of innovators in an epidemic, and how the lines separating government bodies and open source innovators become blurred in times of need.
- What young engineers are bringing to the table, and how the contributions of open-source innovators compare to that of Fortune 100 companies of today.
- ‘Fail fast and break things’ vs. the traditional approach to engineering: reconciling the two faces of modern innovation.
- Slack, Zoom, and Altium: the collaborative tools OSV Ireland used to produce solutions quickly while managing its unprecedented explosive growth.
- Welcome aboard; solutions are required: How OSV turned the usual medical design process on its head.
- ‘The provision of information is gonna be very important’: How the pandemic has affected the navigation of medical device regulation from country to country, and what innovators can expect from regulatory bodies in the future.
- How new revelations brought about by the pandemic will affect the interaction of medical device developers and regulatory bodies in the future.
- Colin’s delivers his unique perspective of the overall impact of COVID-19 on the world, and how engineers will use this experience to continue to overcome the obstacles ahead.
Links and Resources:
Colin Keogh on LinkedIn
Open Source Ventilator Website
OSV on Twitter
OSV on Linkedin
Fundraiser by Dugan Karnazes : Open Source Ventilator
Watch: Engineering Together to Save Lives